My self-summary
Assalamu' 25 years old, nearing 26 inshaAllah this year..i have completed my studies and working in the accounting field..the time has come for me to move on to the next stage..i would love to settle down and have my own family Allah willing..i hope to meet my soul mate inshaAllah soon :)
My long term goals
I am quite young and so i am investing my time at work for now but in the years to come i would like to be working in a place that allows me to have a proper work life balance..ideally i would like to have children too..i hope i would be able to guide them both academically and spiritiually so that they would one day be my pride..otherwise i do not have ambitious plans..a happy peaceful life with the company of a good man is all i ask for
Things I'm good at and enjoy
I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes..what i love most about it is when people boast my cuisine :P i read a lot too during my spare time from english novels to topics pertaining to my field that is finance..i have 3 cats at home, they are my pampered babies..i like travelling too
The first thing people notice about me
My smile maybe though i dnt smile often..and i am quite straight forward when i share my thoughts
My family background and values
Decent people who value their religion. We dont mingle with friends, we like being among our own.
What I love most about Islam
I love evrything about Islam! Everything about Islam is meant to protect us in this life so we can have a beautiful reward in the next life
Things I'm looking for in a partner
A kind man who values his religion and family life. He should be loving, caring and protective with his loved ones and yet strong and serious when dealing with others
You should message me if
Like me you are looking for a relationship within the limits set by Islam